There is understandably a lot of interest in powering everything that moves electrically, and this includes light aircraft, and so we get asked a lot about our plans in this regard.
Our view is that at the moment the technology isn’t available to make this commercially viable, so for us the alternative is to make the existing technology better. Of course Hill definitely has its eyes on electrification in the future, but in the meantime we have come up with an intermediate solution which we are calling gVTOL.
12 Feb 2024
Our GT50 engine is designed to run on 100% carbon neutral bio or synthetic fuels, without endangering food crops. So while we acknowledge that the eVTOL industry is right to recognise the potentially huge market of point to point travel, and the need to make light aircraft quieter and more environmentally friendly, we are convinced that we can fly carbon neutrally today without sacrificing the price point or performance to operators.
Using vertical integration to manufacture the HX50 makes it enviably inexpensive to build and operate. And many eVTOL configurations that enhance acoustic performance can be equally well applied to a conventional helicopter.
So we are confident that the path we have chosen for the HX50 and HC50 is the right one!
Are you interested in the HX50? Book your spot in our group presentation and learn why the HX50 will be better than your current helicopter.
What's in the presentation
Mischa Gelb (aka Pilot Yellow) and Ruben Dias
Exclusive full details about the HX50 not yet available to the public
30 minutes presentation + Q&A
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Exterior Concept
Interior Concept
GT50 Turbine Engine
General Aviation 2.0
Hill Digital Cockpit
Journey to HX50
Technical Details
Range Simulator
Hill Helicopters
Unit 3, Shackleton Way
Stafford, ST16 1GY
United Kingdom